Media Studies
The opening to
True Blood sets up the overall theme of the drama using various micro elements,
such as the camera angles/speed, for example when the camera suddenly goes in
slow motion on the snake it sets the theme of death and danger; the reason it
goes into slow motion is to really force this across. The sound of the opening
is a western music in the background, this sets the location of the show, as
well as the clues to it being set in deep south America for example the
desserts and bars. The genre of the show is cops and criminals, this is
conveyed with the use of the lighting and mis-en-scene; the lighting is dark
and faded which comes across as mysterious. Through the use of mis-en-scene
there are dead animals and blood which conveys death and criminals as someone
would have had to have killed the animals and left them there. All of the micro
elements are used well to give us an idea of what the show is about, the little
details have all made a big idea and given us a quick idea in the minute
opening if the TV drama would be to our liking.
The Wire also uses
micro elements to allow us to understand more about the drama, for example, the
mise-en-scene of the helicopter lets us know the genre of the show is going to
be about cops; another micro element that lets us know this is the use of the camera
angle, at one point in the opening the camera is shot from a distance, however
zoom is being used, this is effective because it builds up the thought of
someone being watched, which is what detectives/cops do. The location of the
show is somewhere run down, you can tell this because everywhere looks dirty,
drug dealers are about and the way the people are in the location.
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